Brutally attacked in Valpo
I was about to take my “micro” from Valparaiso to Viña. I was coming from an interesting night of good wines and good eating stuff at some friend’s house in Valpo. In the bus stop two guys showed up and asked me for money. I was holding in my hand a bill of $ 1.000 Chilean to pay the bus-micro, and these guys asked me to give them the bill. I didn’t finish saying no when one of them quickly hit with a crowbar in my forehead. It was too fricking fast for me to react, and unfortunately the strike breacked my head immediately. After that, the second guy hit me with a chain in my right cheek. Before I fell off, and after the two powerful strikes in my head, I was hit again but now in my nose. I fell off and I stood up as fast as I could and started running but I couldn’t see due to the blood all over my face, and I wasn’t in a suitable condition to run away either, so they easily catch me, made fall and started hitting me on the floor. After a few minutes some good guys saw this awful scenario (which could have been perfectly taken from “Reservoir Dogs” of Tarantino, you know, because of the brutal violence) helped me and took me to the nearest public hospital in Valpo (we all are aware of crappy Chilean public health, it really sucks; I spent almost three hours before any doctor attended me). Was funny, in my way to the hospital these good guys, who saved my life by the way, kept me awake asking me “what’s your name”, “what you do” and so on, and at some point I thought “I will not make it, I’ll die here in this unknown car with these unknown guys, so I said in English “I am not gonna fucking make it!”, to me was out of question that if was gonna die, I was gonna do it speaking English…
Once being attended at the creepy Hospital, doctors stitched my forehead, took me some radiograph and I don’t know what else, I was shit at that point. Making this story shorter I was told by them to rest for 4 to 5 days, avoiding any activity, in the hope of having a 100% recovering.
My parents visited me in Viña on Friday 22, in the afternoon and realized that I was alive. I was fucked up though.-
Happy New Year 2008!
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